Research & Development



To create opportunities for students and faculty fraternity to build their Academic Profile for a successful career; enhance productivity and channel their intellect to improvise and invent for the benefit of society.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • * Inculcate the concept of research among students & staff by arranging paper presentation Competitions.
  • * Identifying the thrust/ emerging research areas and advises on the research processes and current technological practices.
  • * To lay down guidelines for the conduct of inter-disciplinary research programmes in the departments and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies for involving external agencies/experts in such projects.
  • * Encouraging the faculty members in getting financial support from industry the R&D Projects from Governmental organizations which include CSIR, UGC, AICTE etc.
  • * Signing collaboration with other eminent research Institutes/ Labs/ Organizations for projects.
  • * The Committee is to organize regularly research oriented Faculty Development Programs, workshops, Seminars & conferences in the College.
  • * Encourage publication of research articles by sending deserving entries in reputed journals.


Chairman Dr. C. Madhusudhana Chetty Dr. C. Madhusudhana Chetty Dr. C. Madhusudhana Chetty
Member Dr. P. Praveen Kumar Dr. P. Praveen Kumar Dr. P. Praveen Kumar
Member Mr. K. Pavan Kumar Dr. A.V. Badrinath Dr. C. Bhargava Reddy
Member Mr. R. Niranjan Kumar Dr. Shaik Muneer Dr. B. Pradeep
Member Mr. D. Maheswer Reddy Mr. K. Ravi Kumar Dr. A. Sai Keshava Reddy
External Scientific Member Dr. K. Venugopal
Principal, NCP, KDPy
Dr. Y. Sudhakar
Head. Dept. of P’cy, GPW
Dr. G.M. Krishna Rao
Prof & Principal, SRMC
Member Co-ordinator Dr. S. V. Suresh Kumar Dr. L. Siva Sankar Reddy Dr. R. E. Ugandar

  • R&D AY 2022-23
  • R&D AY 2021-22
  • R&D AY 2020-21
  • R&D AY 2019-20
  • R&D AY 2018-19
  • R&D AY 2017-18

    SRCP College of Pharmacy provides consultancy services in various research area in the field of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Bio-technology and Cell Culture Studies.


    The following consultancy work being carried out in the department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Pharmaceutical chemistry

    • * Development and validation of analytical methods for multicomponent drug substances in various pharmaceutical formulations.
    • * Quantization of phytoconstituents in herbal extracts and herbal formulations.
    • * Chromatography methods of analysis for volatile substances using HPLC, HPTLC and Gas Chromatography.
    • * Chromatography methods of analysis for drugs and dosage forms using HPLC and HPTLC.
    • * Food and Water analysis
    • * Pesticide analysis
    • * Structure based drug design (SBDD) and ligand based drug design (LBDD)
    • * Conventional and microwave techniques for synthesis of bioactive molecules.
    • * In silico ADME &T, QSAR and Pharmacophore studies.


    Various consultancy services are rendered to academia and Industry in the following areas

    1. * Formulation of Ayurvedic, Siddha & Herbal dosage forms
    2. * Formulation and evaluation of herbal gels
    3. * Formulation of novel fast-disintegrating tablets.
    4. * Quality control test for finished products
    5. * Pharmacokinetics studies, bioavailability study of drugs in animal models.
    6. * Novel drug delivery system
    7. * Development of anti-arthritic herbal formulation
    8. * Investigation of natural polymer for pharmaceutical applications
    9. * Development of transdermal patches


    The Department of Pharmacognosy provides consultancy services in the following areas

    1. * Development of Ayurvedic, Herbal, Nutraceutical, Dietary Supplement, Botanical and Cosmeceutical Products.
    2. * Standardization of Herbal Extracts.
    3. * Extraction and isolation of Phytoconstituents.


    The following consultancy services are offered in the department of Pharmacology for Preclinical In-vivo Pharmacology studies using various animal models.

    1. * Acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity studies.
    2. * Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic activity.
    3. * Anti-arthritic activity
    4. * Anti-ulcer studies
    5. * Hepatoprotective activity
    6. * Anti-diabetic and Hypocholestremic activity
    7. * Psycho-pharmacological studies
    8. * Anti-epileptic activity
    9. * Neurodegenerative activity


    The following biotechnological consultancy services are rendered to academia and industry

    1. * Evaluation of antimicrobial activity studies for synthetic drugs and crude extracts using diffusion method (Disc or cup-plate method)/serial dilution (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration - MIC ) method.
    2. * Evaluation of bio-parameters in fermentation products like antibiotics and enzymes from microorganisms for commercial applications.
    3. * Biosynthesis and evaluation of nanoparticles from microbes and its biological study.
    4. * Evaluation of antimicrobial activity for medicated fabrics using various strains.