

Pharmacology The field of Pharmacology focuses upon the foundation and approaches to systems of physiology, biochemistry, molecular pharmacology, genetics and neuroscience. A primary objective of Pharmacology is to investigate fundamental aspects of molecular bio-regulatory mechanism of the cell, for the purpose of understanding how drugs act and in order to develop new drugs for treatment of disease.This multi-faced perspective applies to the Department of Pharmacology at Santhiram College of Pharmacy, Nandyal. The department offers training in pharmacology students, who may subsequently go on to exciting research, regulatory and administrative careers in academic, industrial and healthcare provision settings.

About Department

Pharmacology is the study of drugs – how do drugs act and what are their unwanted effects. In the department of pharmacology, various experiments are carried out to study the effects of different drug categories, providing training to students to study the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, health education, experimental clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Pharmacology is the science concerned with history, sources, physical & chemical properties of drugs & the way in which drug affects living system. It includes pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutics, and toxicology. Department of Pharmacology has central ‘Animal House’ registered under CPCSEA, New Delhi. Department of Pharmacology specialization provides instructional and research training to the students in the areas of drug evaluation and discovery. Pharmacology is a multidisciplinary area which requires expert knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathophysiology and clinical sciences.


The Department of Pharmacology endeavors to be a recognized model for educating and graduating students prepared to compete in and contribute to the ever-changing, technology-centered world of the 21st century. To achieve this vision the department is committed to providing a course of study for undergraduates in the chemical sciences which combines curriculum, scholarship and service/engagement opportunities that are high-quality, innovative and intellectually challenging and employ state-of-the-art technologies.


  1. 1. To provide the sufficient education to the graduates and postgraduates in the field of Pharmacology.
  2. 2. To implement new proceedings in the field of Pharmacology.
  3. 3. To be a center of excellence and establish leadership role in the pursuit and development of knowledge through training and researches in pharmacology.
  4. 4. To Eminence and probity in teaching, research, clinical practice, and delivery.

List of Activities

  1. * Evaluation and screening of various therapeutical activities of synthesized and herbal drugs.

Laboratory Facilities

  1. -> Well equipped laboratory facilities, CPCSEA approved Animal house facility

Best Lab

Best Teachers

Low Cost Services