
Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy

Pharmaceutics is a branch of pharmacy field that carries the impression of pharmacy profession. It is concerned with the strategies by which biologically active compounds are presented to the body so as to elicit an optimal response. Included are the design, preparation and testing of drug-delivery systems that can thus be administered to patients in a safe and convenient manner.

Industrial Pharmacy deals with studying all the unit operations involved in drug delivery manufacturing, the scaling up, processing and development of these drug delivery systems and dosage forms at the industrial level and encompassing quality assurance with its branches quality control and Good Manufacturing Practice in its context. The domain of research extends from fundamental studies of the physicochemical properties of drugs and related molecules to dosage forms and delivery systems, including investigations of the mechanisms of various physiological processes which impact on the delivery of drugs to specific sites of action and, therefore, on their therapeutic effectiveness.

About Department

The department aims at providing a broad-based educational background in the theoretical and technical disciplines essential for the design and manufacture of traditional and novel drug delivery systems. Protein pharmaceuticals and gene delivery methods are providing additional exciting opportunities.


The Department of Pharmaceutics seeks to be recognized nationally and internationally for innovation in pharmaceutical education and research.


  1. 1. Offering high-quality education on undergraduate and post graduate levels.
  2. 2. Excelling in research in the field of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy.
  3. 3. Serving the community through good pharmacy practice and linking with the industrial pharmaceutical sector.
  4. 4. Promoting the research work to solve the industrial problems and develop the pharmaceutical products.

List of Activities

  1. * Pre formulation studies for solid, liquid preparation.

Laboratory Facilities

  1. -> Disintegration Operator
  2. -> Tablet Punching Meachine

Best Lab

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