
Pharmacy Practice

Pharmacy practiceThe Pharmacy Practice aims to provide and support real-world professional experience in Pharmacy and Clinical practice settings so that students have the chance to learn, apply and integrate the knowledge they gain throughout the curriculum. They can hone their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through the Pharm.D program, which prepares them to play an essential role in patient healthcare and Pharmacy practice. Additionally, it develops students' professionalism and helps them to work autonomously in a variety of clinical and Pharmacy settings to enhance the healthy lives of people across the globe and trains student leaders in patient-centered care, inter-professional practice, and epidemiological research.

About Department

Pharmacy Practice Department of Santhiram College of Pharmacy (SRCP), Nandyal,Andhra Pradesh-INDIA, through carefully planned and competently supervised instructional activities, is involved in operating the Pharm.D program that promotes successful learning and graduates a student as a Doctor of Pharmacy. The curriculum of the program is in accordance with the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and was designed in a way that allows students to actively participate in various Pharmacy and healthcare settings while also giving them real-world experience in Patient care services, Prescription processing,Compounding, Documentation services, Data management, Drug history gathering, Drug therapy monitoring, Drug Interventions, Drug Interactions, Adverse Drug Reactions reporting, Drug usage evaluation, Drug delivery systems, Drug dose adjustments, Drug dose adherence practice, Patient compliance towards medication, Patient counselling, Therapeutic applications of pharmaceuticals, Community Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Hospital Pharmacy activities and other pertinent Pharmacy Practice and Clinical operations as program exposures to Pharm.D students through expert faculty members of the Department of Pharmacy Practice.


The Department of Pharmacy Practice endeavors to be a recognized model for educating and graduating students prepared to compete in and contribute to the ever-changing, technology-centered world of the 21st century. To achieve this vision the department is committed to providing a course of study for undergraduates in the chemical sciences which combines curriculum, scholarship and service/engagement opportunities that are high-quality, innovative and intellectually challenging and employ state-of-the-art technologies.


  1. 1. To provide the sufficient education to the graduates in the field of Pharmacy Practice .
  2. 2. To implement new proceedings in the field of Pharmacy Practice
  3. 3. To achieve better pharmaceutical care.

List of Activities

  1. * Patient monitoring and counselling various patients at Santhiram General hospital nandyal.

Laboratory Facilities

  1. -> The department of pharmacy practice has a drug monitoring center at Santhiram General hospital nandyal which providing best services with collaboration of head of Santhiram general hospital nanndyal

Best Lab

Best Teachers

Low Cost Services